Friday, July 17, 2009

The Grass is Always Greener...

We've heard it before, and we'll hear it again: July and August are typically very slow for law firms. Green Street is no exception, even though the color green evokes prosperity and growth (right?). Lately, we've felt like an under-watered lawn. We're busy with little things, but the little things require other people to engage, and you know how that goes when you're trying to juggle 5-10 other people.

I tell you, Portland starts to look better and better sometimes. Yeah, I know it rains, but it's just not as inundated with attorneys as down here. Yeah, I know it's sunny here just about all the time, but it's difficult not to get Environmental Fatigue, our new phrase to describe the constant traffic, crowds, garbage, lack of fresh air, etc.

Pity party for one?

Tip the world over on its side and everything
loose will land in Los Angeles.

~Frank Lloyd Wright

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