Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Networking Superstars

Excuse me, but I'm a networking superstar now. Today I had two meetings (it was a light day) so I got in some time with my soon-to-be 95 year-old grandmother. She's a bit out of touch with reality. I told her I was volunteering at a luncheon next week because I couldn't afford the tickets (they were $250 a wack--shocking, I know). But she was uber-shocked that people today will pay that for a luncheon. I tried to explain it was a fundraiser, but it did not make a difference.

Tomorrow both Paul and I are SLAMMED. At 7am, we're both attending a meeting. At 9am another meeting with an attorney in town. At noon I roll out of town for a college alumni gathering and Paul splits for a local music conservatory luncheon. Then, at 5:30 I have a happy hour mixer and Paul has a different mixer (mine is more social, his is more networking). It's going to be a long day, particularly because these different events are in all parts of town, meaning lots of time spent in the car. Thank God for NPR.

Allow me to introduce you to Rex Gradeless (if only law school had been Grade-less!). He is the mastermind behind the Social Media Lawyer blog, which encourages lawyers and law students to get out there are use technology to save time and money. He particuarly enjoys blogging about social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). I'm on all three, thank you. It's a great blog because Rex shows people how to use these types of technologies to grow your business, not just how to make a profile or post that you're "doing laundry."

Final note: we got our pictures for our website. Lookin' good! This is us, hanging out at the entrance to our office (that's a joke, folks). Photography is credited to the fabulously talented Jordana Hazel of Hazelnut Photography.

The way of the world is meeting people through other people.
~ Robert Kerrigan

1 comment:

Rex Gradeless said...

Thank you for introducing me. Wishing you both luck for the start of your new firm.