Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wow. Just Wow.

Yesterday Paul and I had the privilege of meeting with Jay Foonberg, aka "the Godfather." His book, How to Start & Build a Law Practice is the Bible of hanging your own shingle.

I once checked his book out from the Career Services Department at our law school and intentionally did not return it for months (I rationalized it because they had seven more copies). Thankfully, I got my very own copy for Christmas this year! Jay's book is practical and addresses so many concerns that first-timers are worried about, such as:
  • How do I set my fees?
  • How do I get clients?
  • Can I really do this?
Mr. Foonberg lives in Beverly Hills. I figured since we're judgment proof, I'll call his office.

The phone rang twice, then suddenly I hear:

This is Jay Foonberg, how can I help you?

*Thunk* That was the sound of my jaw dropping on the floor.

Yesterday we took him to lunch in Beverly Hills. Let me tell you, he is the NICEST guy, had tons of advice, and wished us the best of luck. Mr. Foonberg spent two hours with us, answered all of our questions, and signed our book. We were so honored to spend time with him. Thanks Mr. Foonberg!

Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.
~ Boris Pasternak

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