Monday, March 30, 2009

Keep Pushing!

We had another breakthrough today on the phone. It occurred during the fourth phone call, in trying to set up a presentation for us to:
  • provide a community service
  • reach our core client base
  • eat cookies (by providing refreshments)
Boy, did I get the runaround. First I lightheartedly suggested we talk about XYZ. She told me all the people already had XYZ. Then I suggested ABC, to which she said "not really."

Every time she started explaining why we couldn't do it, I took deep breathes and thought "How am I going to get her on my side?"

Finally, my last ditch effort was to ask her what she thought people would like to hear about. Ahha! She had two ideas which were perfect, both of which we have experience talking about.

Lesson: instead of sighing and saying, "Okay, thanks anyway" when she turned me down, I kept trying to think how I could work with her so that we could have a mutually beneficial relationship. Victory!

Never, never, never, never give up.
- Winston Churchill


marie gets married said...

Hi! I just found your blog today via Twitter. Good luck with everything law firm related! I am super impressed and proud of you guys for following what you wanted. I'm sad we didn't get to hang out once more before you vacated PDX, but let me know if/when you come back to visit!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Marie! I'm flattered you're following our story. Hope things are well for you and Justin, and wedding planning isn't stressing you out too much.